Monday, April 25, 2011

ANZAC soldiers- better than the biscuits.

Today is a very special day. It is the national day of remembrance- a day where thousands of Australians commemorate all those who served and died in the first world war.

Although I didn't quite rise in time for the dawn service- I made a special effort to watch a programme on tellie dedicated to those who specifically fought in the battle of fromelles.

I am grateful for the bravery, the love and the strength that each soldier had at a time where the rage of war was unbelievable. Australia is a lucky country today because of the duty they displayed physically and emotionally. I am also very grateful for my great grandad who fought and lost his arm. I never knew him- but I know he was a wonderful man.

Today and forever- I am proud to be an Australian.
I love my country and I love our history.
I love my family and I love how blessed I am.

History- teaches us more than we know. xx

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